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Alain Carles

Alain Carles brings more than 34 years of dental industry experience to DDSmatch, previously serving as general manager for Patterson Dental and regional manager for Acteon Group. Alain will serve Southeast Florida, and holds a Florida Real Estate license as well as CDR drug license. With a focus on professionalism and excellent service, he looks forward to continuing the relationships he has forged with dentists in Florida. He is a member of the National Association of Realtors, and the Chair of the Little Help Foundation. Alain lives in Pinecrest, FL with his wife and son, where he is an avid golfer and tennis player.

Q: What role do you play in the transition?

AC: I coordinate all transition efforts, keeping the dentist’s end goals in mind. In order to find the best match possible, I work to find qualified potential buyers in person, through our searchable website, and across our nationwide network. I work closely with the dentist, continuously communicating and guiding them so they are always in control of their transition. As we near the transition completion, I manage all the moving pieces in our detailed closing timeline, and see it all through to a successful transition.

Q: What makes you and DDSmatch great at what you do?

AC: At DDSmatch, it’s about pairing service and expertise to create desired outcomes. My background in the business of dental offices and my deep industry relationships, allows me to bring a high level of knowledge and resources to the dentists I work alongside. I have worked with dentists in every capacity, through every stage of their career. In addition to industry knowledge, I bring a level of care and service to the dentists, believing this is transition, not a transaction. With DDSmatch’s proven processes, nationwide network, and technology, each practice, no matter how large or small, receives the attention it deserves.

Q: What motivates you?

AC: I am motivated by my desire and ability to help a doctor prepare the office-and themselves-for a dental transition that leads them to their desired retirement goals. To walk alongside them during this critical time is an honor, and my goal is to educate them while we work through each step of their transition together.

About DDS Match

What is DDSmatch?

DDSmatch is a dental transition company that focuses on the seller so we can “connect a dentist’s present with their future.” We start with an conversation where we take time to listen to a dentist’s goals, their practice details, and their future plans. From there, we work together to create a step by step plan to meet those goals. We will manage all the details using our proven processes, my industry expertise and marketing acumen to help the dentist find the perfect match.

What role does DDSmatch play?

DDSmatch is here to help the seller transition on their own terms. Dentists are great at what they do, so it makes sense they want assistance when it comes to things outside of their scope like practice sales, practice mergers, dental partnership agreements, associate placements, dental office valuations and dental practice real estate sales. We are honored to provide these services. We also work with other business professionals and trusted advisors such as attorneys, accountants, real estate professionals, and third-party certified business valuation experts, to ensure the smoothest transition possible.

Practice Sales • Associate Placements • Practice Valuations & Appraisals • Partnership Agreements • Practice Mergers • Dental Real Estate • DSO Seller Negotiations