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Bonnie Pugh

Bonnie Pugh photo

 Bonnie, founding partner at Practice Dynamics, blends her love for the dental industry and business to help dental teams across    the country reach new heights in their success. She specializes in coaching teams to goal by blending their unique philosophy with proven systems and business practices.

Bonnie has a long record of success in the business of dentistry. Prior to founding Practice Dynamics, she was the Product Line Manager for the Dental Division of Carestream Dental. In this role she was responsible for the strategic planning of the dental practice management line of products as well as managing their KOL program. This experience gives her a unique understanding of the blend of the business of dentistry, the technology that supports it and the teams that make it happen.

A professed lifetime learner and educator Bonnie has additionally taken on the role of Executive Director of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants. In this role she guides an organization that serves to help dental management consultants throughout the country  improve and grow their skills.

Her love for knowledge and personal growth drives her to provide balance driven success through systems, teams and technology for the practices she works with every day.

About Practice Dynamics

We founded Practice Dynamics on our passion for the dental industry and the dentists and teams that keep it thriving. Our goal is to balance solid business principles with team dynamics to achieve a healthy work environment and lifestyle.

If you asked any of us at Practice Dynamics what our core belief is, you will get several answers that will direct you to one outcome:

Affecting Positive Change and Creating Balance Driven Success 

Our core belief is unwavering, we will dedicate ourselves to constant learning and finding new tools in achieving our goals, not only for ourselves but for our clients and their teams. Whether you are looking for remote coaching and accountability with our GPS Package, interactive focused workshops or a full coaching program, we have a solution to meet your needs. Our world-class speaking topics and customized courses will bring fun, excitement, and education to our meetings, study clubs, and conventions.

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