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Douglas Hughes

Douglas Hughes photo

I have been working with dentist most of my career- and always relative to their facility.   In short: Dental Office Design for more than 10 years, Dental Office Construction (I am a licensed General Contractor) for 8 years, Dental Equipment Sales in FL for 8 years, Commercial Real Estate for dentist & other healthcare professionals since 2018 in Ft. Lauderdale. 

About CARR

CARR is a National Commercial Real Estate Brokerage with agents across the country.   We are unique in two major ways:

1) We will never represent building owners or landlords- we work solely for the doctor; and

2) We work only for healthcare professionals, such as dentists. 

It is noteworthy when making introductions, and neither I nor CARR will ever ask our  clients for a single dollar.   Our commissions are paid by the LL or the Seller.