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Michael Dodd

Mike Dodd photo

I grew up in Manchester, NH and graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of Connecticut in 1999.

After graduation, I worked at companies such as the Minolta Corp and Technologic Partners. In the mid-2000’s, I started my career in the dental industry by working at companies such as Patterson, Schick and Heraeus Kulzer.

The mobile revolution has led me to join forces with Scott, and the rest of the Dentalfone family to deliver cutting edge mobile-focused technologies to modern dental practices. We are very proud of the unique platforms we create for our clients.

In my personal time, I love spending time with my good natured son and our Doxie Pin dog Chloe. I enjoy the outdoors, concerts, and traveling to places I have never been before. I’m an avid sports fan and love taking my son to as many different sporting events as possible.

About Dentalfone

The battle over patients using smartphones in your office is over – the patient won. How can you embrace the smartphone and leverage this device to your success? Dentalfone turns your patient’s smartphone into an extension of your website. It becomes a tool that you can leverage to increase patient referrals, generate more 5-Star reviews, and improve your level of service with easy to access information such as post-op instructions.

Are you confident that your mobile presence is equal to your competitors? Is it impressive? With billions of monthly mobile searches, being average just isn’t enough. How you appear on mobile and how you convey your practices’ image on a smartphone is critical to your success. Dentalfone’s app-like mobile design helps you engage more potential patients. Dentalfone will help you stand out, get noticed, and get picked!