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Which Router Is Right for Your Office?

March 24, 2023
Which Router Is Right for Your Office?

Routers are essential networking devices that enable communication between different networks. They connect devices to the internet and facilitate the transmission of data packets between them. There are different types of routers available in the market, each with its unique features and capabilities. Two popular types of routers are Packet Filtering routers and Next-Generation routers. In this article, we will discuss the differences between these two types of routers.

Packet Filtering Router:

Packet Filtering routers are the traditional routers that have been in use for several decades. They operate at the network layer and filter packets based on predefined rules. These routers examine each packet's source and destination IP addresses, protocol, and port numbers to determine whether to allow or block it. Packet Filtering routers are relatively simple and inexpensive, making them a popular choice for small businesses and home networks.

Packet Filtering routers have limited security capabilities and are vulnerable to attacks such as IP spoofing and Denial of Service (DoS). They cannot inspect the contents of a packet, so they cannot detect and block malware and other malicious content.

Next-Generation Router:

Next-Generation routers, also known as Unified Threat Management (UTM) devices, are a newer type of router that has been developed to overcome the limitations of Packet Filtering routers. They are designed to provide enhanced security and performance by combining several security features into a single device. They analyze packet contents and identify and block malicious content.


Next-Generation routers can identify and block malware, viruses, and other malicious content. They also have built-in firewalls that can detect and prevent attacks such as DoS and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Next-Generation routers provide more comprehensive security than Packet Filtering routers and are an excellent choice for businesses and organizations that handle sensitive data.

Next-Generation routers also come with advanced traffic management capabilities. They can prioritize traffic based on specific applications, users, and services, ensuring that critical traffic receives priority over non-critical traffic.

Differences between Packet Filtering and Next-Generation routers:

Security Capabilities: Next-Generation routers provide more comprehensive security capabilities than Packet Filtering routers. They can identify and block malicious content and provide built-in firewalls to prevent attacks.

Traffic Management: Next-Generation routers provide advanced traffic management capabilities that Packet Filtering routers do not offer. They can prioritize traffic based on specific applications, users, and services.

Cost: Next-Generation routers are more expensive than Packet Filtering routers due to their advanced features and capabilities.

Complexity: Next-Generation routers are more complex than Packet Filtering routers and require more configuration and management.


Packet Filtering routers and Next-Generation routers are two popular types of routers with different capabilities and features. Packet Filtering routers are simple and inexpensive but provide limited security capabilities. Next-Generation routers are more advanced, provide comprehensive security capabilities, and have advanced traffic management capabilities. When selecting a router, it is essential to consider your network's security requirements and traffic management needs to make the right choice.

Eric Prywitowski is a Technology Consultant with Advantage Technologies, he has over 30 years of experience in the Healthcare Market and be reached at ericp@adv-tech.com.